David Boyle has been exhibiting art for many years. His paintings are oil on canvas and have a folksy, illustrative quality, full of escapist and surreal themes. Each painting is a dynamic field that tells a tale with an unexpected twist hidden in the details of the visual narrative. Look closely and you'll find a caged bird, a policeman up a tree, or a witch on a broomstick. Let your imagination roam free in the fantastic world of Boyle's paintings.
David Boyle has produced numerous oil paintings since the mid-nineties, which have sold well in New Zealand (Wellington, Palmerston North). David has T-shirts featuring his works and makes sculptures from found objects. His sculptures have been exhibited and sold at Hastings City Art Gallery New Zealand while his art has been seen in online magazines and paperbacks such as Last Leaves, The Woodward Review, Five on the Fifth, Radar Poetry, Mollusk Lit., Thimble Lit., Creative Mag, Club Plum, Zoetic Press, Two Hawks Quarterly, Poetry Pacific, and Backwards Trajectory. Covers of Small Wonders and Red Rose Thorns out soon.